TAKEN CAPTIVE is sure to become the industry’s
leading resource for providing basic education and expert guidance on using captive
insurance companies in alternative-risk-financing strategies.
R. Wesley Sierk, III, a trusted insurance-industry expert and president of Risk
Management Advisors, provides readers with a step-by-step guide to understanding
captives and how they are being used to significantly improve companies’ bottom
TAKEN CAPTIVE answers the following questions:
- What is a captive?
- Why form a captive?
- What are the different types and structures of
- Which domiciles are best?
- What are the tax implications?
- What are the risks associated with forming and
operating a captive?
- What are the steps involved with forming a captive?
- Is a feasibility study necessary?
- What kind of risks can be underwritten?
- What’s involved in managing a captive?
- How can a captive be used for asset protection and
estate planning?
This invaluable resource should be in the library of every manager responsible for
understanding or managing their company’s risk financing strategy!